Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Apparently I am not emotionally ready for this baby to come.  My body is ready though!  I have until Thursday night then I have the threat of induction and giving birth on the ward.  Uuuuurrrggghhhh.  It is hard to treat oneself at times like this so I logged on to facebook this morning and two of my healing friends were there to help.

I found these beautiful mandalas:

BJ suggested a bush flower mix that I am in the middle of making.  And John (not my John) suggested a meditation technique visualising the homoeopathic caulophyllum.  I am about to start.

A soft sand walk at Cronulla to get my core moving and then a spot of shopping for bed linen should do it.

I have my heart set on a natural birth in the birthing centre.  I feel it is so much more enlightened in there and the thought of giving birth on the ward where the energy is so heavy and full of fear freaks me out no end.

(My) John says that we should be happy that we have got this far against all odds.  It is true - but I still want to bring this baby into the world in a peaceful place.

Wish me luck...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

bringing on baby

I have decided that I am emotionally and physically ready for this baby to come.  So I have been using a few natural remedies. 

I fished out my old bottle of clary sage oil which helps to bring on labour and I have been burning it, bathing in it and rubbing it on my belly in a concoction with other oils.
I'll be glad to finish this old grimy bottle as I never really liked the smell but am tolerating it - like anything that I know is good for me!

I also made a beautiful fish curry
In Chinese Medicine they say that spicy foods push the energy downwards so not to have them until the end of the third trimester.  I haven't been able to tolerate spices but tonight my curry went down beautifully.

I also did a bit of gardening today as I think that keeping upright and active helps.  Most first babies come late whereas consecutive children come a little earlier - is this because the mother only has time to chill out for the first baby but is on the run up until delivery of the rest of them?

There are a few reflexology points that I was shown to stimulate as well so I have been doing this but not feeling overly confident about it.

Anyway, we will see what happens...