Saturday, July 2, 2011

I'm baaaaaaack!

Oooops!  Did 7 months just pass?  I did try to log in once, but couldn't remember my password.  I think these are all symptoms of having a baby!

As far as being a naturopathic baby - the birth went haywire and I ended up having a caeser and, frankly its a miracle he came out without any complications.  While in labour I sent him white light and asked the angels to protect him and I had an amazing midwife and obstetrician so I was in wonderful hands.  They brought him up to recovery and he attached perfectly and breastfeeding has been so easy so the lack of natural birth doesn't bother me in the slightest.

And now he is 7 1/2 months old, in the 95 percentile, happy and energetic.

Time for dinner...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Apparently I am not emotionally ready for this baby to come.  My body is ready though!  I have until Thursday night then I have the threat of induction and giving birth on the ward.  Uuuuurrrggghhhh.  It is hard to treat oneself at times like this so I logged on to facebook this morning and two of my healing friends were there to help.

I found these beautiful mandalas:

BJ suggested a bush flower mix that I am in the middle of making.  And John (not my John) suggested a meditation technique visualising the homoeopathic caulophyllum.  I am about to start.

A soft sand walk at Cronulla to get my core moving and then a spot of shopping for bed linen should do it.

I have my heart set on a natural birth in the birthing centre.  I feel it is so much more enlightened in there and the thought of giving birth on the ward where the energy is so heavy and full of fear freaks me out no end.

(My) John says that we should be happy that we have got this far against all odds.  It is true - but I still want to bring this baby into the world in a peaceful place.

Wish me luck...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

bringing on baby

I have decided that I am emotionally and physically ready for this baby to come.  So I have been using a few natural remedies. 

I fished out my old bottle of clary sage oil which helps to bring on labour and I have been burning it, bathing in it and rubbing it on my belly in a concoction with other oils.
I'll be glad to finish this old grimy bottle as I never really liked the smell but am tolerating it - like anything that I know is good for me!

I also made a beautiful fish curry
In Chinese Medicine they say that spicy foods push the energy downwards so not to have them until the end of the third trimester.  I haven't been able to tolerate spices but tonight my curry went down beautifully.

I also did a bit of gardening today as I think that keeping upright and active helps.  Most first babies come late whereas consecutive children come a little earlier - is this because the mother only has time to chill out for the first baby but is on the run up until delivery of the rest of them?

There are a few reflexology points that I was shown to stimulate as well so I have been doing this but not feeling overly confident about it.

Anyway, we will see what happens...

Friday, October 29, 2010


It was John's birthday yesterday and right now he is resting after his big night.  I feel so virtuous but I think I have a food hangover from pizza and chocolate cake.

Normally if I bake, I will make something gluten free and/or vegan to make the treats a little cleaner such as these amazing vegan banana and blueberry muffins.

For which I have lost the photo...

I am a MASSIVE fan of chocolate and John asked specifically for chocolate orange cake for his birthday so, who am I to argue?

It is so rich that even I had a tiny slice. 

I don't trust people who don't like chocolate, there's something shifty about those people.  Don't you think?

Miss Diva is also resting but doing double duty in her tireless campaign to welcome the baby.   Today's chore is to warm the bassinet.

Thanks for all your hardwork and dedication Diva.  It looks like I have some washing to do. 

But first, a swim...

Thursday, October 21, 2010


This morning I got up I walked out into the garden (as is often my first instinct) and I noticed that a poppy that I have been waiting for has popped!  What joy!

Who could believe that something as unsightly as this:

could turn itself up the right way and become this:
I'm not sure what sort this is as I bought 3 different types of seeds from ebay and when they sprouted I had already confused myself.

I'm pretty sure these are Flanders:
they look delicate but are so hardy, they have survived wind and driving rain and are still flowering profusely.

I also ordered California Poppy and Peonies.  I think this is a California Poppy:
A herb that I have used very successfully in clinic to treat anxiety and insomnia.  It is beauuuuutiful.

So I am pretty convinced that the one that popped today is not a peony as they have layers of petals.  It was still a welcome surprise and adds to the beauty of my poppy patch.

On further inspection, I also noticed that a cactus has flowered:
What an amazing colour!  We have quite a few of these around the pool and they will bare dragon fruit if we can protect them from the grubs that feasted on them last year.

I also noticed that my first tomato of the season has set:
Grow little tomato grow!  I would show you the strawberries but we keep greedily eating them as they ripen and they are sweeeet. 

So, the moral of the story is that I am going to have a wonderful day today as this is how it has started and I just wanted to share it.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

baby's room

The baby's room is ready to go.

A borrowed bassinet under the tree (which might become the Christmas tree very soon!)...

A donated cradle with the plastic wrap still on the mattress because I don't want to get ahead of myself (its bad luck you know)...

I think these guys are going to be great friends...

And the baby's chest of drawers with change table thingy on top and bags packed next to it.  The brightly coloured one is the funky nappy bag.  We were advised against getting one that is too big so that it doesn't topple the pram and totally ignored that practical advice due to aesthetics...

On the other wall is a built in wardrobe which contains my vintage clothes, I haven't moved them yet.

Friday, October 15, 2010


My hips ached all night last night and I woke feeling bruised and battered - the first natural therapy that came to my head was Arnica and I have been taking it intermittently ever since I dragged myself out of bed.  I feel so much better for it and recommend it to anyone who has any kind of pain.  It is also great pre- and post-surgery so should be taken before and after labour to reduce bruising and trauma and speed healing and does not interact with ANY drugs. 

It looks like this:
 but should be taken ONLY in homoeopathic form - from health food stores.

I have been blessed with an extremely healthy pregnancy.  I have had lots of energy and feel fantastic.  I am at the tail end now and have had a little struggle with blood pressure with has seen me in hospital for observation already once and now I have to go again on Monday.  Luckily my lovely midwife has allowed me the weekend to get it back under control because she knows that I have been using Australian Bush Flower Essences to remedy the situation.  I didn't take my bushies on Friday when I went for my last check up because I decided that my bp would be fine.  Wrong.  So I have made up a mixture to take all weekend and put in my water bottle for when I am in hospital on Monday.  So far it has proved to work instantaneously for me - my bp is lower when I take it than when I don't. 

The formula is made up of essences of: Bluebell, Crowea, Five corners, Hibbertia, Little Flannel Flower, Mountain Devil and Mulla Mulla.  Normally I wouldn't take this many flowers in one hit but this is an exceptional circumstance.  If my blood pressure is high I won't be able to give birth in the birthing centre and will have to be hooked up to a machine to monitor my and the baby's progress which I can't even think about as I have my heart set on a natural, intervention-free birth. Wish me luck.

If you are interested in Bush Flower Essences, check out:

Since we are on the subject...
I always have a teaspoon of organic spirulina in juice in the mornings and prescribe this for many clients as it is natural and not made in a laboratory.  I love spirulina.  I also have a tablespoon of flaxseed oil in my yoghurt - again natural and more of a food than a man-made vitamin.

I have been taking other oils and minerals since being pregnant - always in the most natural unadulterated forms that I can get and all quite specific to pregnancy.  Needless to say I have been surprised about the blood pressure hiccup.