Friday, October 15, 2010


My hips ached all night last night and I woke feeling bruised and battered - the first natural therapy that came to my head was Arnica and I have been taking it intermittently ever since I dragged myself out of bed.  I feel so much better for it and recommend it to anyone who has any kind of pain.  It is also great pre- and post-surgery so should be taken before and after labour to reduce bruising and trauma and speed healing and does not interact with ANY drugs. 

It looks like this:
 but should be taken ONLY in homoeopathic form - from health food stores.

I have been blessed with an extremely healthy pregnancy.  I have had lots of energy and feel fantastic.  I am at the tail end now and have had a little struggle with blood pressure with has seen me in hospital for observation already once and now I have to go again on Monday.  Luckily my lovely midwife has allowed me the weekend to get it back under control because she knows that I have been using Australian Bush Flower Essences to remedy the situation.  I didn't take my bushies on Friday when I went for my last check up because I decided that my bp would be fine.  Wrong.  So I have made up a mixture to take all weekend and put in my water bottle for when I am in hospital on Monday.  So far it has proved to work instantaneously for me - my bp is lower when I take it than when I don't. 

The formula is made up of essences of: Bluebell, Crowea, Five corners, Hibbertia, Little Flannel Flower, Mountain Devil and Mulla Mulla.  Normally I wouldn't take this many flowers in one hit but this is an exceptional circumstance.  If my blood pressure is high I won't be able to give birth in the birthing centre and will have to be hooked up to a machine to monitor my and the baby's progress which I can't even think about as I have my heart set on a natural, intervention-free birth. Wish me luck.

If you are interested in Bush Flower Essences, check out:

Since we are on the subject...
I always have a teaspoon of organic spirulina in juice in the mornings and prescribe this for many clients as it is natural and not made in a laboratory.  I love spirulina.  I also have a tablespoon of flaxseed oil in my yoghurt - again natural and more of a food than a man-made vitamin.

I have been taking other oils and minerals since being pregnant - always in the most natural unadulterated forms that I can get and all quite specific to pregnancy.  Needless to say I have been surprised about the blood pressure hiccup.

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