Saturday, October 9, 2010


I have just been told that I have finally started to waddle - possibly due to the head which has lodged itself in my pelvis.  I am 36 weeks pregnant and I had an amazing reflexology treatment on Thursday and the next morning I felt that the baby's head had engaged.  I will see my midwife on Wednesday to confirm this as I haven't had a baby before and am just guessing.

Being a mum is going to be a huge learning curve for me as I, and my wonderful man John, have had not much experience with children.  Its going to be so much fun - I hope you enjoy the journey with me.


  1. Welcome to Blogland!

    Embrace the waddle. I was so big, so early, with both of mine, so I waddled for a long time. I need to see more photos of that lovely bump please, before it's gone.


  2. I love my bump, I will take photos tomorrow.
